Thursday, February 26, 2009

Learn about Elizabeth Arden PREVAGE at Bloomingdales in NYC

On Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14, Elizabeth Arden is inviting customers to Bloomingdales on 59th Street in New York to learn about the latest anti-aging news and breakthroughs with renowned Manhattan Cosmetic Surgeon Bryan G. Forley, MD., F.A.C.S., and experience Elizabeth Arden’s PREVAGE® Anti-aging skincare with Idebenone.

Since its launch in 2005, PREVAGE® has become a global bestseller. Its key ingredient Idebenone has been proven as the most powerful antioxidant for addressing the effects of oxidation on the skin, a leading cause of visible signs of aging. I am personally a MAGE fan of EA PREVAGE Eye Anti-Aging Moisturizing Treatment ($98).

Click here for more details about the event.


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    where is lost-redux??? last night's episode was A-MAZING! i love john locke!

  2. Hi Cinthia! I KNOW. Crazy busy week. Recovering from Fashion Week, catching up at work and now I'm MOVING, so I'm looking at apts. UGH. I'm so sorry! I'm hoping to write something by this weekend. OBV, I watched and it was amaze! Keep checking in. :)
