Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New See-through Renu® Fresh™ Multi-purpose Contact Lens Solution

Now you no longer have to live in fear of Last Day Of Your Contact Lens Solution Day. You know: The day you find out you have enough solution to clean and store one and a half lenses. Of course, you have two. So you squeeze your dry, empty bottle and hear a pathetic wheeze. A wheeze that says, "get thee to Duane Reade, stat." But you don't. You're home. It's late. You're not going out. So you dig through your stash and find a travel bottle of solution that has JUST enough to last you until tomorrow. When you promptly forget to purchase more solution on your way home and live through the whole shenanigan again, except this time... you have ZERO solution.

How can you avoid this? You could get Lasik and never have to deal with contacts again... but you heard you have to be AWAKE while a doctor cuts your eyeball. OR, you could just buy Renu® Fresh™ Multi-purpose Contact Lens Solution, because it comes in a CLEAR bottle that allows you to see exactly how much solution is remaining. File that under What Took So Long? Bausch + Lomb says a collective "you're welcome" to lens wearers the world over.

Now, if only we could commission YSL to adopt the same strategy for Touche Eclat. Because the only day sadder than Last Day of your Contact Lens Solution Day is Last Day of Touche Eclat.

The Renu® Fresh™ Multi-purpose Contact Lens Solution is available now at drugstores. Visit for a coupon for your next purchase of  Renu®

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Disclosure: A sample of this item was provided for editorial consideration.


  1. My solution (har) is to always buy two bottles at once. And supersize 'em!

  2. I actually just bought this a few days ago - genius! Plus, I think the bottle looks cooler in general...not so pharmacy-esque.


  3. M-K, HYSTER! I love a pun. And good point. I do that, too. But for me, it only delays the inevitable... that I'll still be rendered shocked and in awe when I'm suddenly, bafflingly OUT of solushe!
