Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF 30

My daily SPF regime has quietly experienced a coup, thanks to Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF 30 ($35). I douse my face with it DAILY. I carry it on my person so that I can reapply. I love how it doesn't clog my pores, feels light and breathable on my skin... but mostly, I love that it smells just like a pina colada. So...

If you like Pina Coladas
And not getting caught by UVAs
If you're not into oil
If you care about dodging those rays
If you'd like making skin care decisions
That keep you looking underage
Then Jan Marini is the sunscreen you've looked for
Put some on and get carded.

So maybe the last part doesn't rhyme... and maybe Rupert Holmes said it a bit more deftly. It even combats shine, thanks to its magical formula of microscopic SPONGES, which are polymer spheres with huge numbers of interconnecting spaces that can entrap and absorb unwanted materials, such as excess oils. Their virtually unlimited capacity enables the elimination of unsexy shine, as well as continuous monitoring for all-day control. And that, friends, is why I unscrew the cap of my trusty Jan Marini SPF 30 every morning with the same zeal Dirty Dancing's Neil Kellerman had for sweet gherkins.

Use it daily this summer, and plan your "escape" from a shiny, sunburnt LIFESTYLE.

Disclosure: A sample of Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF 30 was provided for editorial consideration... but I've already purchased a backup myself

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