Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Get Involved: Fashion at Google

Bloggers, listen up. I just got an email from the fabulous Tony Wang, who writes post.fashionism. He's been commissioned by Google and is currently working at Youtube. Tony's leading an effort called GStyle to promote fashion at Google (specifically, the liaison between fashion and technology) which will give bloggers  a chance to play a role in helping Google improve.
I can't disclose too many details, but if you want to participate and get more involved with this program, simply follow Tony on Twitter and send him an @reply saying you're interested in being a part and getting more information.
It's a great way to get some exposure to your site with a tech savvy and connected audience. It's all a bit cryptic, admittedly, but Tony assures me that he will have more updates on GStyle next week, stay tuned!
Pass along the word!

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