Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ryan Gosling Goes Bleach Blonde

Ryan Gosling is truly exceptional.

He remains the only light-haired dude in my "laminated card" (remember that Friends ep?) as I typically like my men tall, dark and handsome. My strat (to quote the great Felicia Sullivan) is always that I'll be the blonde one, just as I'll be the decorative one. We're not peacocks. If you and your xy chromosomes are ALSO interested in wearing nail polish, for instance, I'm not FEELING that. But once in a while, a man can pull off platinum while still looking virile and spicy. And evidently, that man is Ryan Gosling. I do prefer his sandy-colored 'do, but this DOES have a certain Billy Idol circa Rock The Cradle Of Love vibe.

Guess who's already bought tickets on Fandango for Crazy Stupid Love?


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1 comment:

  1. Ummm...he looks really hot. It's almost like he can do no wrong. Even in SKULL PANTS.
