Sunday, November 20, 2011

Recommended Reading: 'Glow'

So it's Thanksgiving, you've already seen Breaking Dawn more times than you've needed to AND you've got months until The Hunger Games is out in March. What can you do to soothe your YA-fantasty-sci-fi loving soul?

Buy a copy of Amy Kathleen Ryan's "Glow," a straight-up riveting read about a violet batttle that separates  two teens in love on a ship bound for New Earth. Two parts "Star Trek,"  one part "Hunger Games," one part "Battlestar Galactica," one part "Lost," and shades of "Silence of the Lambs," you'll burn through this read in mere days, as I did.

Here's the synopsis on Amazon:

If a violent battle destroyed the only world you’ve ever known, would you be brave enough to save who was left? Would love be strong enough to survive the fight? Either way, there’s no turning back. 
The Empyrean is the only home 15-year-old Waverly has ever known. Part of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space, she and her boyfriend Kieran will be pioneers of New Earth. Waverly knows she must marry young in order to have children who can carry on the mission, and Kieran, the handsome captain-to-be, has everything Waverly could want in a husband. Everyone is sure he’s the best choice. Still, there’s a part of Waverly that wants more from life than marriage, and she is secretly intrigued by the shy, darkly brilliant Seth.
Suddenly, Waverly’s dreams are interrupted by the inconceivable – a violent betrayal by the Empyrean's sister ship, the New Horizon. The New Horizon’s leaders are desperate to populate the new planet first, and will do anything to get what they need: young girls. In one pivotal moment, Waverly and Kieran are separated, and find themselves at the helm of dangerous missions, where every move has potentially devastating consequences, and decisions of the heart may lead to disaster. 
Pulse-pounding and addictive, GLOW begins the most riveting series since The Hunger Games.

Are we into it OR ARE WE INTO IT?

Buy Glow here.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh geez, I definitely need this one now too! I read too much YA. Thanks Amber!
