Tuesday, July 31, 2012

New: Herbal Essences Honey I’m Strong Review

By Julia Casella

Last week when I told Charles Baker Strahan that one of the most important things for me when choosing a shampoo or conditioner is scent, he laughed and asked, “ Well what about whether it works?”   And of course, he has a very good point. But up until then I was under the impression that most shampoos worked; I mean if my hair feels clean, it’s the post-wash products that count, right?

WRONG. I was so very mistaken and the Herbal Essences Honey I’m Strong shampoo and conditioner showed me the light (more specifically, the light that was that was reflecting off my super shiny hair). Charles washed my hair with both and then lightly sprayed the Herbal Essences Set Me Up Heat Protection Spray pre blow-out. And lately I have been on a blow-out craze, so when I saw myself it wasn’t the usual “Yay my hair looks good because it’s blown out” reaction but more of an “OMG I didn’t realize the shine potential my hair had--it’s frizz free and sleek!" The shampoo and conditioner work by coating and repairing each strand with the soothing properties of honey--a long known healing agent-- leaving your hair stronger after just one use.

And I promise you this stuff smells really good. Each piece ranges in price from $3 to $5; available now at drugstores.

Follow Julia on Twitter: @Julia_Casella.

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1 comment:

  1. same here. when i look for new shampoos, it need to smell really nice.=) and 2nd is how smooth my hair will be
