Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Filing Your Clothes = GENIUS + More: Destination Procrastination

Obviously I'm going to spend the whole week filing all my clothes the way Min Lee does. More organization tips, as well
[XO Jane]

Can you guess these nail polishes by their silhouettes?

This ombre wall is gorgeous
[PS I Made This]

Jane Pratt's emotional age is 15. Mine's just turned 18, the summer before I ship off to college. What's yours?
[NY Magazine]

The Oatmeal made Sriracha underpants
[The Oatmeal]

These glittery gay stairs are EVERYTHING
[The Luxury Spot]

Now that Jennifer Aniston's engaged officially to Justin Theroux, here are some wedding dress ideas for her
[Betty Confidential]

An awesome review of Josie Maran's Argan Protect + Perfect Tinted Moisturizer
[Fashion Binge]

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