Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Five Rules For Life: Sarah Conley of StyleIT

Introducing a new series called "Five Rules," in which I ask others to share their five rules for life. 

My gal Sarah Conley is the social-media savvy savant behind the fashion/beauty/pop culture/tech blend that is StyleIT. I accosted her and forced her to share HER Five Rules here. Check it, in Sarah's words.

1. I don't give a hot damn what you think.
And it's nothing personal. I just can't waste my time worrying about whether or not you'll judge my shoes/lipstick/hair/boyfriend choices, because let's face it--you're probably too worried about yourself to notice that thing that I think you're noticing. And look at how much energy we've wasted.

2. You CAN wear red lipstick.
No, seriously, you can. If you're afraid of it, run to the drugstore and buy the brightest red from Wet N Wild. Put it on while you're vacuuming your house or washing the dishes. Put it on and forget about it. Catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror two hours later and realize that you look phenomenal. It works every time.

3. Regret is pointless.
You can't get yesterday back. In fact, you can't get the past 5 minutes back, so why spend another 5 minutes worrying about something that can't be undone? In every experience there's a lesson, so learn something and move forward.

4. Just because you're a size WHATEVER, doesn't mean that you have to dress like you're cleaning out the garage.
Listen, I'm a size 28. I've got a big ass and I've probably eaten too many pieces of cake during some emotional meltdown that lead me to this place, but that doesn't make me a fashion victim. There are options out there and whether you're losing weight, gaining weight or you're happy with who you are (God bless you), live in the moment, not your closet. Don't keep hoping that if you eat that stick of celery you'll fit into a dress from five years ago that you loved. That dress is probably out of style, anyhow.

5. There are no secrets on the Internet.
None, whatsoever. There's no magical store that you don't know about, or secret to getting a video to go "viral." Google knows all and sees all, and what's worse is that the Library of Congress records all. Big Brother is real, so be a lady, okay?

Thanks, Sarah! And don't forget to share your 5 rules in the comments.

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  1. Wonderful! I believe #3 whole heartedly. haha number 5 is great :p

  2. Thanks for a great post - I fully support each one!

  3. I absolutely adore her! Fab Interview!
