Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Pulse Laser Friends & Family Sale

Honestly? Getting my nether regions lasered and no longer having to deal with monthly waxes has changed my lifestyle. Technician Jennifer Belser at Pulse Laser Skincare Center has become a veritable PAL of mine, thanks to her in-depth knowledge of skin care and makeup gems. Once in a while, I wonder if I'm screwed if the '70s bush comes back in vogue--but then, aren't we all?
So when I found out that Pulse is hosting a Friends & Family discount of $99 for three treatments of underarms (among others--read the full list of offerings here) I decided I needed to add pits and lower leg to my laser list, as well. When it comes to hair removal, in the (paraphrased) sage words of Jon Secada, I'm free/I'm free/Things [like shaving and waxing] are only as important as I want them to be.

Call 212.802.1439 for an appointment.

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