Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#StressSweat And How To Combat It With Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant

This post is sponsored by Secret, but all opinions herein are my own. Product sample provided by Secret. 

Girls, being a beauty writer is a lot of fun. So much so that one allows her career to slowly execute a coup over one's entire evening and even weekend time. So shoe-horning dating into the schedule when a gal's got a minimum of 5 post-work beauty launches a week is tough going and requires a full-value Metrocard, logistical know-how (never schedule a date at a venue far from either where you're coming from or your apartment) and above all, a serious deodorant. 

I put Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response deodorant to the test this week when I endured the sweat-inducing scenarios of trying to be on time to a date when I was at the mercy of long-winded scientists at a skin care event, the MTA taking a dog's age and trying to do things like stuff a sandwich on my mouth so I'm not drinking (no more than two drinks EVER, as the great Patti Stanger says!) on an empty stomach. The result? The date went well, I pulled off a near teleportation from the Upper East Side to my apartment where I shoved a piece of toast in my mouth before walking to a lounge near my apartment for the date--all without busting a vile, wet sweat, let alone one that smelled remotely unappealing, thanks to Secret Clinical Strength. The light citrus fragrance is fresh and bright and mingles well with my summer perfumes, as well. 

Did you know there are three main causes of sweat? Activity, heat and stress: Stress sweat actually smells the worse because it comes from a different gland. Apocrine glands, which release sweat that’s 80% water and 20% nutrients (lipids & proteins) versus the sweat from heat and activity (from the Eccrine glands which release 99% water). The bacteria that naturally occurs on our skin feeds off of the nutrients from stress sweat which is what causes the odor. Secret Clinical Strength Stress Response has proprietary technology in the formula (BCD molecules) that actually traps and locks away odor to neutralize it and then releases a fresh scent, which is most important when protecting you from stress sweat since simply covering it up with fragrance can make you smell even worse

In the meantime, despite having the weight of stress-sweat lifted from my dating lifestyle, I'm still incorporating campaign to free up my weeknights. My weeknight calendar has quietly experienced a coup. After years and years of business dinners with colleagues and publicists, I've called a definitive end to evening plans other than beauty events during the week. Please believe me when I tell you that 75% of my meals consumed in the past five years have been in the company of someone in the beauty or fashion industries. And while it was hard to institute (everyone seems to think they're exempt from it--but this is a serious thing), I'll have fewer time constraints on scheduling time with straight men instead of with the cheerleading squad that is my life. 

And now, over to you! Share your #StressSweat stories by leaving a comment or by tweeting to me (@Glambr) and @SecretDeodorant or leaving a comment on the Secret Facebook page

Secret Clinical Strenght Stress Response retails for $8 at the P&G eStore

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